Mankind has always wanted a direct line to God, or to his gods, or to the local deity. Whatever their version of the divine was, Man has wanted to know what that divine being would say, and in particular people have wanted a clear vision for their lives, their dreams, their destinies. One of the greatest things about Christianity is that God has already spoken! And he has clearly lined out some things about our lives, our futures, our plans. Our role is to diligently know what he has said and to courageously bend our wills to his vision for us.
God has a plan for TSF and as we pass our 8th anniversary, we are excited about where he is leading us! His vision for us is so much larger than ours is, so we are seeking his heart for our future and our plans. Check out the PPT presentation for details and how the Lord might move you to give and help us pursue his vision for TSF!