We discussed simply pursuing God and his holiness/character in our lives. Below you will find some of the measurements we talked about that might help you self-evaluate and determine a path that you can walk in order to pursue personal, practical holiness.

How do we measure spiritual maturity/holiness?

  • Are you loving God consistently and more? Not his blessings, but just loving Jesus?
  • Are you loving others? Displaying a true love for others in words, thoughts and actions?
    • 1 John: in particular says that a mark of a believer who is growing in Christlikeness loves other Christians in the local church
  • Personalized/Customized spiritual disciplines
  • Intentional development of gifts
  • Intentional cooperation with Sanctification
  • Development of the Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5 (as described by Tim Keller)
  1. Love: To serve a person for their good and intrinsic value, not for what the person brings you.
  2. Joy: Delight in God and his salvation for the sheer beauty and worth of who he is.
  3. Peace: Confidence and rest in the wisdom and sovereignty of God more than your own.
  4. Forbearance: Ability to take trouble (from others or life) without blowing up. To suffer joyfully.
  5. Kindness: Practical kindness with vulnerability out of deep inner security.
  6. Goodness (integrity): Honesty, transparency. Being the same in one situation as another.
  7. Faithfulness: Loyalty. Courage. To be principle-driven, committed, utterly reliable. True to one’s word.
  8. Gentleness (humility): Self-forgetfulness.
  9. Self-Control: Ability to choose the urgent over the important thing.