For complete and up to date information regarding the trip, click HERE.

The Sanctus Penitas mission trip is right around the corner!!! There is no better way for students to kick off the start of Summer than to be a part of the amazing missions work that happens in the Rio Grande Valley!
This year we will be taking anywhere from 40-60 students to work in the colonias of Penitas, TX from June 7-12. The colonia where we are working is literally the poorest part of our nation and is very much like visiting a third-world country. Our church has been taking students to Penitas for over 5 years and have seen some amazing God things take place! Lives have been changed, students grow closer to the Lord and each other, and when it’s all said and done, everyone that participates can see the tangible fruit of their efforts! God has and will continue to use this trip to make a Kingdom difference in the lives of the “least of these”.
This is trip is for students who are currently in the 7th-12th grade.
The cost per student is $195.00 which covers all meals, lodging, building materials, t-shirt and a day at South Padre Island! Go to the Penitas table after the service for more info and to sign up. You can also sign up online at