Since February 2015, our church family and friends have been contributing to our Building Fund (Hope Grows Here).  As of 4/3/2015, we have given close to a total of $60,000.00 and that means we currently have a total of around $107,000.00, in the building fund.  Praise the Lord!  Our original goal was $130,000.00, and we are still aiming for that.

We have enough cash on hand to start the remodel in preschool area and we are well underway toward that goal now.  Drawings are before the City of Richmond for final approval and we hope to begin construction in the next 3 weeks.  As soon as the remainder of the monies comes in, we will start the construction in the garden center area.

Great times for our church as we establish our ministry!  Thanks for your faithfulness!  If you haven’t given, give.  If you’ve committed to give, finish your commitment.  If you have given, thank you!