DIVORCECARE and DC4K– A hope and healing ministry begins February 17th

DivorceCare is a 13 – week program that takes a biblical approach to separation and divorce. The program offers a safe environment where participants explore issues such as forgiveness, loneliness, depression, and the effects of divorce on children and families. Through weekly videos and small group discussions, participants will learn how to deal with the pain of the past, and how to begin rebuilding their lives from a Christian perspective.

Children (5-12) will participate in DC4K and they will explore similar topics as the adults.

The next session for adults and children (5-12) will be held Monday, February 17th through May 12th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. The cost for the 13 week session is $25.00 per family (scholarships are available) and includes a workbook and weekly light meal.  Space is limited and registration is strongly encouraged. The weekly sessions will be held at The Sanctuary Fellowship Church.

Child care will be provided for children 4 and under with reservation request made during registration.

If you are separated, trying to recover from a divorce, have a friend you feel would benefit from this program or if you would like to consider serving in this ministry contact Shirley Leslie at dc@tsf-church.com or 832-643-0932.

Registration for the program is strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated.